I have mentioned in some of my previous posts that in addition to running this blog, I am a pharmacist! My undergraduate course work was in Chemistry and then I received my Doctor of Pharmacy degree 4 years after that. So, I love anything science related, math related, and all things medical. After pharmacy school, when I started having babies I absolutely LOVED receiving themed baby gifts that were related to my career. So, I decided to write up this fun blog post about adorable baby gift ideas for medical professionals. I started with some general gifts for all medical fields and then I’ve broken them up into gifts that are specific to a certain profession such as a pharmacist, veterinarian, doctor, nurse, ophthalmologist, etc.

Baby Gift Ideas for all Medical Professionals

Here are some general gift ideas that can apply to almost all medical professionals.

  • Here are some adorable baby outfit ideas that could apply to most medical professionals
  • Below are some baby toy ideas that are a great baby gift option for most medical professionals
  • Linked below are some awesome baby book ideas for most medical professionals. I love throwing in a fun baby book into any gift, so i had to include some really great baby book ideas

Baby Gift Ideas for Doctors

  • Here are some great baby book ideas for doctors
  • Below are some adorable baby gift outfits for doctors that are expecting
  • Linked below are some baby toy ideas that are great for expecting doctors

Baby Gift Ideas for Veterinarians

  • Here are some awesome book ideas that veterinarians would love to read to their babies
  • Here are some great baby outfit ideas for veterinarian parents
  • Below are some baby toy ideas that are perfect for expecting veterinarians

Baby Gift Ideas for Nurses

  • Here are some cute baby outfit ideas for nurses. Most of these outfit come in different colors. If you click on the link, it will take you to the product were you can choose a color that my be a better option for your specific gift.

Baby Gift Ideas for an Ophthalmologist

  • Here are some fun baby book ideas for expecting eye doctors
  • Linked below are some adorable baby outfits for ophthalmologists

Baby Gift Ideas for Dentists

  • Here are some baby outfit ideas for expecting dentists
  • Check out these cute baby toy ideas for dentists or dental hygienists

I hope you found a great gift idea for the nurse, doctor, pharmacist, vet, etc in your life. If I left out a medical occupation that you’d like to see, comment below and I’ll try to find some good gift ideas for you. I will also keep adding to this gift idea list as I find new gift ideas.