My kids were hunting around the yard and found some pinecones. So, why not utilize them for a fun craft? We decided to make pinecone flowers and then displayed them in a cute little vase on the kids table. Check out our tutorial on how to make these pinecone flowers.
What you’ll need:

- Pinecones
- Sticks
- Paint (We used washable paint because…you know…kids!)
- Paint brushes
- Heavy duty scissors (But wire cutter pliers would probably be better)
- Hot glue gun
How to make pinecone flowers:
- Wipe down your pinecones to get any leaves, twigs, etc out
- Use your heavy duty scissors to cut through the center of the pinecone (see picture below). The center is pretty strong so I gave a little bit of a twist to help break it apart. These pinecone slices will be the face of the flower.

- Continue to cut more slices of the pinecone. I was able to get about 3 to 4 slices out of each pinecone. I ended up cutting up 3 pinecones and got 10 pieces to make flowers. We ended up not using all of them though.
- Paint the pinecone slices your preferred color and leave them out to dry. I liked adding a little bit of yellow to the center too to make it look more like a flower.

- Paint the sticks green to look like stems and leave them out to dry
- Once everything is dry, use a hot glue gun to apply glue to the bottom of the pinecone slice in the middle

- Then stick the stem into the glue and hold it in place until the hot glue hardens

- You now have a beautiful flower and can continue glueing the stems on for all other flowers.
This was a fun little activity for me and my kids to enjoy together! Here is our final bouquet of pinecone flowers.

If you enjoyed this craft, you may enjoy our Coloring with Plant Pigments craft or Coffee Filter Flowers craft linked below.