If you’re like me, sometimes you need an activity for your kids that’s quick and easy for you to setup. This jumbo tic tac toe game is just that. it’s so easy to set up and my kids think it’s the coolest thing ever!
All you will need to setup is:
- Painter’s tape (I use painters tape when applying to walls or floors because it is very unlikely that it will leave a sticky residue)
- 2 different colored pieces of construction paper
- Scissors
- A marker
To setup:
1. Use the painter’s tape to create the tic tac toe board on your floor. I chose to make mine on the kitchen floor because it would be easiest to just follow the lines of my kitchen tiles. As you can see in the picture below, the tic tac toe board looks like a hashtag or pound sign.

2. Use the scissors to cut each sheet of construction paper into 6 equally sized squares. So, you’ll end up with 6 squares of one color and 6 square of a different color.
3. On one set of squares draw a large X on each square and on the other set draw an O.
And that’s it for setup…takes 5 minutes max.
The rules:
For those that do not know how to play tic tac toe, it is a two person game where you are either Xs or Os. Each player takes turns placing their mark (X or O) in any empty square. The first person to get 3 marks in a row first, wins. The 3 in a row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. If all squares become filled and no player has 3 in a row then it is a tie.

My family enjoyed this game so much that we have still not taken the tape up off the floor. We are going on almost 2 weeks since I first made the playing board. My 4 year old asks for me to play a game of tic tac toe with him almost every morning now. I love that it’s becoming a part of our morning routine!