So today we practiced our scissor skills and instead of tossing all the scraps, we used them to make pretty spring flowers artwork. We don’t like wasting paper, so we definitely had to reuse our cut pieces for a craft and learning discussion!
For the scissor skills practice, I drew some lines for my kids to follow and let them snip away. Practicing with scissors is so important to help develop toddlers’ fine motor skills and their hand eye coordination. My 2 year old is new to the scissor world, so for her I’ve found that taping the top of her paper down helps give her a little more stability. This way she can mainly focus on mastering the scissoring motion.

Once we were done practicing, we collected all of our sniped pieces for arts and crafts time. Since it has recently turned to Spring, why not do a spring craft? So we broke out the glue sticks and started pasting down the small scraps to form spring flowers.

We always have to add some learning into our crafts. So, today we discussed the different seasons! Here are some fun facts about the seasons:
- There are 4 seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter
- Earth makes a full loop around the sun in a year. Based on where the earth is in that loop determines what season we are in
- When the earth is tilted toward the sun, it is summer time
- When the earth is tilted away from the sun, it is winter time
- June 21st is when the earth is tilted the most toward the sun. This is called the Summer Solstice.
- December 21st is when the earth is tilted the most away from the sun. This is called the Winter Solstice.
- Temperatures are the hottest in the summertime
- Temperatures start to get cooler in the fall which causes leaves to change colors and fall off of trees
- Temperatures are the coldest in the winter and some animals hibernate because it’s hardest to find food during these months.
- Temperatures start to warm up during the spring which causes flowers to bloom.